Day 37 Mon Sept 16th

Last Night, we pulled into Birdsong Creek and anchored and fished a while but no luck.

Got underway about 7:45, back out to main channel, we are now at the end of the lake and it is more riverlike with small islands. We had fishing lines out overnight and I had a small catfish and Milt had a snag. My fish was only about 10″ long so a little small with only one fish so I threw it back. but when we pulled the anchor, Milt found it had been snagged on the anchor rope and it had a fish on it a nice catfish. and it appeared he had actually lassoed it.

went up on past the Tennesse River and stopped at Cuba landing, not sure they are open, but I have an interent connection so am posting this for now

Moonlight over water

Moonlight over water

R1 C1
R2 c1 R2 C2
R1 C1

Milt caught a catfish,  who needs bait when you can just lasso them.

Milt caught a catfish, who needs bait when you can just lasso them.

Tennesse Hills ablong river

Tennesse Hills ablong river

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